Building A Robust Economy
The biggest issue facing Virginians across the Commonwealth is record-high inflation and worsening economic conditions. Delegate Taylor, a small business owner, understands the hardships facing many Virginians. As Delegate, Kim has prioritized revitalizing our district's economy. In Richmond, she advocates for lower corporate and personal income taxes to aid Virginians in keeping more of their hard-earned money. Energy costs and rising inflation are hurting Virginia families, which is why Delegate Taylor worked with Dominion Energy to cut utility costs for Virginia families so they do not have to decide whether to pay their electric bill or put food in their fridges.
To combat historic inflation, she believes that cutting taxes and government regulation can enable small businesses to reinvest in communities through job creation and expansion. She will continue fighting for good-paying job opportunities for our community to prosper. In 2023, Delegate Taylor worked with her colleagues to pass sweeping tax reform to ease the tax burden on hardworking Virginians.
Supporting Law Enforcement & Fighting Violent Crime
Delegate Taylor is a vocal advocate for our law enforcement officers in Richmond. She is fighting for increased funding and resources to provide law enforcement with the necessary equipment and training to ensure public safety. Delegate Taylor is pushing for increased punishments for human trafficking and violent crime to safeguard our children and keep our streets safe.
Delegate Taylor was a vocal advocate for reforming the Commonwealth’s corrupt parole board and is working with agencies across the region to recruit qualified law enforcement officers that will help keep our communities safe. A key initiative of Delegate Taylor and her colleagues in the House of Delegates is protecting Virginia’s students at school. That is why she sponsored and passed legislation that requires school districts to cooperate with local law enforcement to audit the school’s safety practices and ensure they are equipped with the necessary tools and resources to take preventative measures and keep Virginia’s classrooms safe.
Expanding Broadband Access
One of the critical economic development hurdles facing communities across the Commonwealth is broadband access. Reliable internet access provides a gateway to new economic and educational opportunities. Delegate Kim Taylor has prioritized expanding broadband access in our area so students can expand their options, businesses can build and grow their customer base, and loved ones can stay connected.
Broadband access is a vital element of economic opportunity in rural and urban areas across Virginia, and access is critical for these communities to survive. Delegate Taylor is committed to giving the 82nd District the infrastructure necessary for a brighter future.
Investing In Our Future
As a mother, Delegate Kim Taylor understands the importance of quality education, regardless of zip code. In Richmond, she is leading the fight to expand school choice and allow parents to decide where their children go to school, regardless of arbitrary boundaries. She has led the fight to rid our classrooms of politicized curriculum and will fight to put teachers back in control of their classrooms and out of the hands of unelected bureaucrats in Richmond. Delegate Taylor will continue to advocate for our schools and provide them with the necessary resources to provide a quality education for all Virginia students.
In 2021, parents across the Commonwealth sent a message to Richmond that they will no longer sit idly by while government bureaucrats and special interest groups influence the curriculum. That is why Delegate Taylor introduced legislation requiring localities to hold elections for school board members, officially putting parents back in the driver's seat of their children’s education. In Richmond, Delegate Taylor has worked with her colleagues to create educational opportunities regardless of zip code and fully funded school resource officers for every school in Virginia to keep our kids safe. Delegate Taylor is a leader in Richmond who holds the best interest of our students at heart.